Wednesday, 20 July 2011

VB Scripting - Part 2

Here is one Example of VB Script. Copy below script in notepad, save as outlook.vbs.
Double click outlook.vbs. If the Microsoft outlook is running, this Script will show message: MS Outlook is running.
Or it will show massage: MS Outlook is not running.

strComputer = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set colProcesses = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
("Select * from Win32_Process Where Name = 'OUTLOOK.EXE'")
If colProcesses.Count = 0 Then
Wscript.Echo " MS Outlook is not running."
Wscript.Echo " MS Outlook is running."
End If

You might be thinking, “This scripting stuff looks pretty complicated.” Believe it or not, scripting isn’t just for professional computer programmers. There are much more powerful and complicated tools for programmers to use. Don’t get us wrong, a script can be powerful and complicated, but you can also write some fairly simple scripts that can be very helpful. So don’t let the thought of this stuff being “code” scare you off. There are a lot of things you can do pretty easily with no programming experience at all.
One of the advantages of scripting over other types of programming is that for scripting, everything you need is built into the operating system. It needs some acronyms such as VBScript, WSH, and WMI. All of those things are part of scripting, and they’re all built into Windows. You also don’t need fancy, expensive software to write a script. As you saw already, all you really need is Notepad, which, once again, is built-in.
In addition, scripting is specifically designed to help you administer your operating system. Even the most talented programmer would never attempt to create a full-blown software application, such as Word or Excel, using scripts. Scripts allow you to automate system administration tasks.
There are other scripting languages besides VBScript, and there are tools you can use to write scripts other than Notepad. But you can investigate all that on your own after you get a little scripting experience. Most of the scripts and examples on the Script Center use VBScript.
IMPORTANT: One last thing about system administration scripting, and it’s a really important thing to know. For most scripts to run, at least scripts that do anything very interesting, you must have local administrator rights to the machine the script is running against. Many of the scripts available on the Script Center will fail if you’re not running them as a local administrator.

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